One on One Essay Coaching

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How important is the college essay?

Certainly the most important criteria for college admissions is the student’s GPA, strength of curriculum, and test scores (if required). However, when applying to colleges, especially selective schools, most applicants have similar academic profiles. So what else do colleges look at to determine admittance? Extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and the college essay/personal statement are factors which reveal character, personality, motivation, and fit for the college.

You have a unique background, interests and personality. The college essay is your chance to tell your story or, at least, part of it. The best way to tell your story is to write a personal, thoughtful essay about something that has meaning for you. Be honest and genuine, and your unique qualities will shine.

Admissions officers have to read an unbelievable number of college essays, most of which are forgettable. Many students try to sound academic rather than sounding like themselves. Others write about a subject which they think will impress admissions officers but has no personal value.

The college essay can set you apart from others and allow college admissions to look at you beyond numbers. It can be the determining factor of matriculation into the school of your choice.

How it works

The student will work one on one of our qualified instructors to complete the entire essay process. From the development of an original and compelling idea, to the drafting and revision process, the student will benefit from a professional review, and will finish with a vivid and meaningful College Application Essay.

Cost: $430

Individual Meetings

Students will have an unlimited number of meetings (depends on student’s needs) individual virtual meetings with their instructor.

All virtual meetings will be done in Zoom and students will have opportunities to choose dates/times.

Students are responsible to sign up for individual meetings which typically last 20-30 minutes.

Supplemental ESSAY 

How important are the Supplemental Essays?

Supplemental essays can play an important role in the admission’s process. Students spend lots of time and energy on their main common application essay or personal statement and sometimes rush through their college-specific supplemental essays without much thought or care. College admissions officers report that supplemental essays play an increasingly important role in the college application process.

Cost: 1 Essay – $200, 2 Essays – $300, 3 Essays – $400, 4 Essays – $500


Instructor of American and British Literature at La Salle Academy,
2005 – Present.
M.Ed. Providence College

Jonas Halley

Instructor of Composition & Philosophy Dean College.
M,Ed. Fitchburg State College,
PhD University of Rhode Island (anticipated completion 2022).

I think the college essay course helped create a Common App college essay that I can feel proud of. I liked the in-person meetings and those corrections one-on-one strengthened the quality of my essay. I also liked the note-taking and reading previous college essay class prior to writing the essay before the meetings. I feel that the class component of the course gave me the tools I needed to think of a strong topic and create a sufficient first draft. All in all, I had a really great time and I am proud of my essay. Thank you so much Mr. Tanski, without your help, my essay would not be at the same level it is right now.

Very helpful, would recommend! Gave me the motivation to start and finish my essay during the summer.

The class and the revision meetings were very helpful. I definitely felt ahead of the game because my essay was done before the start of school.

I found the College Essay course very insightful. I learned many new techniques and tips about writing the college essay. The meetings helped me to solidify what I was writing about and how my essay was going. It helped to relieve the stress of getting it done and knowing it is done right. I would recommend this course to others because it was an easy way to get essay done and relieve the stress of writing it during the first semester of school.

I think that this course was extremely helpful, it was really nice having the essay done over the summer and having one less thing to worry about. The individual meetings were the most helpful part of the whole course.

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You can request a specific instructor, but it depends on availability

One on One Coaching

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